Monday, 13 April 2020

We Are In this Together ! Staying at home

These are probably the darkest times we are in but only if we keep the light of hope alive we shall find the way out too. As your social media timeline fills up with coronavirus news, new death tolls, reams of advices, a celebrity appeal here, a friend's attempt at dark humor, countries with world class medical facilities failing and everything that pulls you down just remind yourself to Stay Positive along with Staying at home.
"I'll be okay." And it’s not just a hunch, you have every reason to believe you’ll be fine. Just keep be in check of your health strongly. wash your hands -- yes, that is important to begin with. meeting anyone who's recently been abroad until they are tested healthy. home and step out for absolute necessities. updated and aware on the relevant information.
Our Technical support Helpdesk service is available for you.
We shall get through this together and soon.

NETI solar 

Natural Energy Transmit India

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Shreya 12" inches table fan bldc 15 watt for Goverment Project..

Shreya bldc solar powered 300 mm high speed Table fan

When it is about hu home appliance especially energy efficient fan's, Shreya is one of the most trusted brand of India

Shreya fan's most reliability as well as signifies superior built and best quality.

Its comes with a white and blue appearance and looks quite stylish

This 15 watt table fan comes with aerodynamic PP blade which assure high air delivery to you

Unique base design, simple control buttons and its 1320 RPM made quite pleasantly distribution of air all over your room.

Its come with a powerful bldc motor, its high quality motor is capable of very low voltage as well as low noise performance

Brand :: Shreya
Type :: Table fan
Voltage :: 12V (10.5V - 18.5V)
Power :: 15~18 watts
Motor speed :: 1320 RPM
Air delivery :: 78 CMM
Color :: white & blue combination
no of blade :: 3
Blade material :: Plastic
no of speed control :: 3
Blade sweep :: 300 mm
Warranty :: 24 month
In the box :: main unit & warranty card

Call us :: 9891882432, 9871500245, 7982049422, 9315462412, 9625211683

Sunday, 12 January 2020

बीएलडीसी इनवर्टर सीलिंग फैन (bldc Inverter ceiling fan)

हमें बताते हुए अत्यंत खुशी है कि आप सबके सहयोग प्यार और हौसले के द्वारा हमने एक नया फैन तैयार किया है

 *बीएलडीसी इनवर्टर सीलिंग फैन* 

 अब आप जिस तरह की  पावर सप्लाई  से  चलाओ  जैसे कि *12 वोल्ट बैटरी से  सोलर पैनल से  या डायरेक्ट बिजली 220 बोल्ट* से किसी भी तरीके से चाहो बस पंखा चलाते रहो साहब 

 *पंखा बंद होगा ही नहीं* जब तक सप्लाई आती रहेगी

साथ ही साथ अब आपको *एलईडी लाइट भी* आपके आवश्यकतानुसार *जलती मिलेगी* 

और इसको चलाना बहुत ही आसान जैसे छोटे बच्चे भी चाहे आराम से चला सकते हैं 

 *टाइमर भी लगा* हुआ है जिससे आपको कितनी देर में इसको बंद करना है या स्लो करना है यह सब फिक्स हो सकता है 

 *रिमोट से ऑपरेटेड है* और 

 *क्वालिटी की बात* करें तो इसमें लगने वाले सभी प्रकार के *कंपोनेंट  और स्पेयर पार्ट उम्दा क्वालिटी के हैं* जिससे इसकी लाइफ 5 साल से 7 साल तक की हो जाती है, 

और हम इस पर *वारंटी भी 2 साल* की देते हैं